Friday, August 17, 2007

Schedule for week starting Monday 20th August

The latest primordials document update is now complete. Thankyou for everyone's praise and gestures of appreciation. I am now in the middle of working on the updated roulette computer instructions to make everything clearer, and to coincide with the latest software updates. The updated instructions will be complete by about mid next week. Until about this time, I will be extremely busy so my responses to emails, unless the issue is urgent, will be delayed.

Upon the completion of the latest computer instructions (about Wednesday), it will only take me a day or so to catch up on all emails and any work that hasn't yet been done, including the development of custom variants.

Roulette system and computer conference demo: The dates for the demo conference ( will be set very soon. I just need to test a final component I'll soon receive from the technicians, then contact everyone who has expressed interest to attend and finalize dates. Basically the dates that most people can attend will become the official dates, and they will be announced on my web sites. I also expect to create footage of the hybrid for release to individuals who I already have come to know on a more personal level. The footage will not be release publicly, at least not at this stage, because potential players of the hybrid have expressed concern that its capabilities would then be known to the casinos. However, even in the release of the conference demo DVDs, I will not be releasing any overly sensitive footage or information that may harm hybrid users.

Additional roulette computer demo video: I'll soon be releasing a few new videos of the standard roulette computer. Application will be shown on spins that are done by someone other that myself. This is because envious and malicious individuals have falsely claimed I may be influencing spins in current videos. As always, I will continue to produce various proof of effectiveness, although of course the best proof possible is seeing with your own eyes in person, which is the purpose of the roulette computer conference. If you attend, you'll be able to actually apply the computer for yourself.

In summary, especially up to about Wednesday next week, I am going to be flat out working on the latest computer instructions. As soon as they are complete, my email response times will be back to normal. Please be patient.

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