Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Hybrid Roulette Computer Update

Hybrid Roulette Computer:

Based on the latest update from the developers, I expect to receive the "smaller" version of the hybrid in 1.5 - 2 weeks give or take a few days. Shortly after I receive it, I will test it thoroughly - this will take a few days.

Assuming there are no compromises on performance, I will then make the next step of contacting all that have registered for the conference demo. I will offer everyone a range of dates to choose from. Whichever dates that are suitable for most people will then be booked with the conference center. All delegates will then be notified of full details so travel arrangements can be made.

To summarize, we appear to only a few weeks from actually booking dates. However, if prior to the announcement of the conference demo, you made arrangements with myself to visit me for a "personal" demo (rather than group demo), you will be contacted independently to arrange your visit.

On another note, many of you have expressed concern regarding what may be excessive publicity surrounding the event. More specifically, that such an open display of the technology would show casinos what kind of technology is available. I am of course taking this into consideration, and sensitive parts of the technology will not be demonstrated. Moreover, the full capabilities of the technology will not be exhibited for obvious reasons. However, every participant will see everything they "need" to leave without any doubt whatsoever that my claims are true and accurate.

Standard Roulette Computer:

The demonstration of this version will simply be 10 - 15 computers will be distributed to participants, and they will apply the computer on the wheel(s) at the same time. Roulette computers using manual clicks of a button are not new, so this part of the conference is more to establish a public record of the effectiveness of my technology.

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