Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Hybrid Roulette Computer Update

I can again confirm the development of the hybrid roulette computer. There will be two main hardware components: the standard computer phone hardware, and "mini-laptop" computer with attached camera (approximately 25cm x 10cm x 3cm). The "mini-laptop" with camera establishes the wheel and ball timings before wirelessly (or via cable) feeding the data to the cellular phone. The cellular phone then in turn performs the calculations and provides a prediction. To produce a prediction, a single button on the "mini-laptop" (can be done wirelessly or via cable) is clicked when the wheel begins to spin. While the camera doesn't need to be entirely steady, the more it is moved during the data acquisition process (2-3 seconds), the more frequently the computer will announce "risk" instead of giving a prediction. As with the standard computer, the tolerance settings for "risky bet notification" can be set by the user. The timings are established when the ball completes one full revolution, and the wheel completes half of a revolution for wheels with an even number of diamonds, and 1 complete revolution for wheels with an odd number of diamonds. Unlike with the standard computer, the hybrid software can establish wheel and ball timings simultaneously. In most cases, from the time the samples are requested to the time an actual prediction is given is 2-3 seconds. The algorithms that perform the calculations are exactly the same as that of the standard computer. Essentially the hybrid computer is as accurate as the standard computer would be if the "manual clicking" of the user were consistently accurate to within 20-50MS. It is expected the hybrid roulette computer will be available for purchase late 2006. Pricing is expected to be in the vicinity of US$20,000, although an exact price will not be set until my development costs have been calculated at the conclusion of development. There is a similar version with lasers that can be used to establish timings rather than image recognition, and although it is more accurate than the image recognition setup (camera with mini-laptop), it is considerably more difficult to apply as the laser must be aimed in the path of the ball, which is difficult as the beam is 5mm wide. This version can still be provided upon request, but due to the difficulty of application, be advised that the image recognition setup is far more practical.

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